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You can effortlessly decide where the Causevest Networks fees go with Causevest Coin.

You can use the Causevest Coin (XCV) wallet to protect your wealth while having a lasting traceable impact around the world.

As a coin holder you can set your wallet so that part of the network's transaction income will be redirected to any cause that you support.

Whenever you buy or sell this coin, you are helping a good cause – it is as simple as that

Extend your browser into the Causevest Network. This extension acts as a community engagement tool with it you can:

  • Leave messages on any webpage only visible to others using the extension ( be nice)
  • Communicate directly with other users on the network
  • Follow users and view pages that they leave comments on
  • Submit and vote for good causes you find online
  • Enable ads that are then used to passively generate XCV and fund good causes

The Causevest platform is an all in one digital giving platform where users can raise funds for causes or obtain subscriptions for their content

On the Causevest Digital Giving platform You can:

  • Register causes and charities
  • Vote for causes with your XCV
  • Support content creators and donate to causes
  • Raise funds
  • Track the networks donations

You can get started with the platform here

The Causevest foundation forms the base of altruistic activity within the Causevest network it has a multitude of goals including but not limited to:

  • Promoting, fostering and spreading disruptive altruism.
  • Conducting Audits on causes and organisations that claim to be altruistic.
  • You can visit and donate to the Causevest Foundation here

Please donate to the Causevest Altrusim fund managed by The Causevest Foundation we use it to support humanitarian efforts, causes and charities around the world. 

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You can work out the current price to buy directly from us while there is stock available by using