FAQ & Support

You can effortlessly decide where the Causevest Networks fees go with Causevest Coin.

What is the price of XCV coins are there any bonuses???

The set price of a XCV coin is 0.10 p per coin. There are discounts and bonuses ranging from 35 – 10% until the hard cap is reached.

When do I receive my tokens?

Once a payment is made to your unique deposit address, you will be sent XCV along with any bonuses from the ICO date.

What is XCV?

XCV is a cryptocurrency that looks at providing a coin that both allows its users to diversify away from the traditional financial services sector, and help good causes around the world at the same time.

What exactly is a cause?

A cause is anything that you believe should be supported. It could be a charity, your favourite author, a petition, band, a volunteer or even yourself. The network coin holders, as a collective, decide which cases receive capital, but anyone can set up and create a cause that is eligible for donations.

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