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What is Causevest Coin?

Causevest is a decentralized block chain with smart contract functionality and a new incentive mechanism designed to encourage benevolent activity.

1 XCV = $0.03

How it Works?


XCV is purchased

Users purchase XCV from an exchange or locally from a XCV Network Operator.


Transaction fees are reinvested

Fees are reinvested and distributed across the network to boost the pool of capital we provide to causes on our network.


Causes receive capital

Coin holders vote on individual causes and notify the network where they want network capital to go the most.


New coins are distributed

Coin holders can earn income, sustainably, as rewards for hosting nodes and helping to support network causes.

Your Profit Is A Good Cause

Simple As That

Whenever you buy or sell this coin, you are helping a good cause – it is as simple as that

Blockchain Income

Using our wallet provides proof of a cause being supported which can help you earn a weekly blockchain income.

Earn An 8% Yeild

To earn a yield install your wallet, get some coins then click the Stake button.

Our Promise

We poured or heart into ensuring that every line of code turns your actions into a force for good!

Your Profit Is A Good Cause

Keep Your Assets Safe

Less Counter Party Risk

The Causevest Proof Of Forgiveness (POF) system helps protect you from exchange hacks

Diversified Asset Pool

Our portfolio is made up of a mixture of assets that generate cashflow for the causes on our network.

Value Protection

The Causevest foundation acts as a buyer of last resort for your Cauesvest coins providing you with a layer of value protection.

Enhanced Privacy

Anonymity is key so we have enhanced privacy features on chain allowing you to fully mask your transactions.

Keep Your Assets Safe

Cross Chain Rewards

Get Rewarded For Your Good Deeds

The Causevest Network can capture arbitrary on-chain altruistic transactions on foreign blockchains.

So if you ever make a donation with a blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum you could be rewarded for your good deeds via Causevest Network.

Once the foreign address cause is registered, information about transactions to this address on the other chain can be included as proof.

In this way, users who have never heard of Causevest may find they have earned XCV.

Cross Chain Rewards

The Causevest Logo Means

Verified By Causevest

The Causevest logo on a shop window or item means that you can trust the products claims.

Trace your impact

Purchases will have a traceable positive impact on our blockchain

Pay with Causevest Coin

Crypto payments including XCV are accepted here

Take Part In Audits

The product owners allow you as a Causevest operator to take part in audits for their quality/integrity

The Causevest Logo Means

Focus on sustainability!

Causevest provides sustainable support to causes so the underlying coins value will rise over time.

1 XCV = $0.03

Make money with XCV

Node reward calculator

You can run a full node for XCV that finds blocks and generates Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards. If you lock up a minimum of 100,000 XCV, you can upgrade your node to an Archive node and hold audit data for extra rewards.


XCV amount

Note: A minimum of 100,000 XCV is required for activating an archive node.

Rewards earned


1 XCV = $0.03

Bonus Calculator

You can work out the current price to buy directly from us while there is stock available by using this calculator.

10.00% Bonus

Current Private Sale Bonus available until 25.05.20 at 17:00 UTC/9:00 PT

Select your option
  • XCV Coin
  • Uniswap ETH
  • XCV Token BNB

Amount to convert

Rewards earned

1 XCV = $0.03

Our Partners

We are proud to have worked with companies, individuals and other organizations to address complex challenges.

We’ve created some videos

Join our Community

Spread the word and earn 1 XCV for every friend you invite

You can work out the current price to buy directly from us while there is stock available by using